a newspaper man adjusts his pen

Monday, February 23, 2009

iJustine for old people

My silly, silly podmates at the Observer-Reporter think I have an obsession with Justine Ezarik, otherwise known as iJustine.


Amanda Gillooly said...

"Think?" Uh uh. "Know" would be more appropriate. Are you at home lighting the candles that adorn the shrine that you were telling me about?

Scott said...

Candles would pollute it with black tar smoke. You obviously don't know me well.

MJ said...

The deranged angel says, "What the hell are you talking about, Ellipses?"

Dragonfly said...

I liked your Tweet, "I love my Garmin, I would be lost without it." Funny and clever,

Are you still flying about like you did last year? When will we see more of eJustine?