Well, I'm thinking about suggesting a new blog where I work at the Observer-Reporter as an extension of its popular weekly mystery photo feature, where print and Web readers are asked to help identify people and places featured in old photographs.
The blog would showcare more of these photos from among the hundreds and thousands of old negatives that have accumulated in the Washington, Pa., newspaper's archives.
We photographers tended in the old days of news gathering to have done a lousy job of attaching pertinent information to our negatives. Oftentimes there was just a number or code that could help archivists seek out that information while we went about the labor-intensive business of creating more images for the next newspaper.
Here is a photo that I took for the O-R in the early 1990s in Charleroi, Pa., of a guy I simply identified as the fire truck doctor. I didn't even take the time to write down the make and model of the vehicle in which he is behind the wheel.
Surely someone is still hanging around the Mon Valley who knows that information. If you do, email me at sbeveridge@observer-reporter.com - or post a comment, below, or at my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/scotty.beveridge
The folks over at my Facebook feed have identified this guy as Dr. John Danek.