The new Donora Smog Museum in Donora is hosting a concert Tuesday, Aug. 16, in the town gazebo to invite the public into the exhibits.
A local group, Rhyme & Reason, featuring Bob Menzler and Nikk Fine, will perform from 6 to 10 p.m. near the intersection of Fifth Street and McKean Avenue.
The museum at 595 McKean Ave. also will be open with artifacts being added to the displays nearly every day, said DeAnne Pavelko, an organizer of the event. The committee will be selling $1 ice cream cones.
On display are an oxygen tank used by firemen during the 1948 Donora smog and a large collection of photographs taken at the sprawling U.S. Steel mill that closed in the borough in the 1960s.
The donora smog was a huge impact on me. i feel bad for them people