Monday, August 30, 2010

Take six home to the wives

Polygamy Porter, originally uploaded by Rainer Ebert.

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – Among the hottest-selling local beers in Utah is Polygamy Porter, so it seems tonight.

"People who don't even like porter will have just one so they can say, 'I had a Polygamy Porter,'" said the bartender tonight at a hotel where I am staying near the Salt Lake City Airport.

Those tourists often ask him if they can buy a six pack of this beer to take home.

"I tell them, that's between you and the airline," he says.

It's a brilliant and hilarious beer gimmick in this region. Enough said.

The brewer of the label, Wasatch of Park City, advertises it with the phrase, "Why have just one."
Meanwhile, this hotel sells T-shirts bearing the label in its gift shop. I want one of them.

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