Saturday, June 5, 2010

Shorts on parade

One of our favorites pastimes as kids was something our mom called watching the Scottish parade.

It involved sitting in the car or on a park bench in any downtown and commenting on the funny things we saw as people passed our way. OK. We were poor, and didn't have smart phones or portable video games in the 1960s to distract our attention.

It still was fun to look at the odd ways in which people dressed or carried themselves around town.

The game came back to me today on the Boulevard of the Allies in Pittsburgh, when these two guys walked out of a parking garage a few steps ahead of my buddy and me en route to the Three Rivers Arts Festival.

We had a good laugh at how the guy on the right preferred to store his water bottle. Then I said, "I need to get myself a pair of those crazy, patch shorts on the other guy."

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