Monday, January 18, 2010

Rude airheads break up this way

Anna Kendrick stars as Natalie and George Clooney stars as Ryan Bingham in Paramount Pictures' "Up in the Air." Photo: Dale Robinette.

By Scott Beveridge

Halfway into the hit movie, “Up in the Air,” actress Anna Kendrick’s anal, uptight character unloads tears over a text message she receives from her boyfriend.

She breaks down after he uses their cell phones to end the relationship in this movie revolving around her employer with a cold heart that specializes in firing people in other companies that do not have the gonads to do it themselves.

The movie starring George Clooney comes at the most-appropriate time when America’s economy is in a backwards mode, and its addiction with text messaging has taken rudeness to a new level.

Kendrick’s youthful character is a rising star in her company who has the bright idea to fire people via video computer linkups to avoid the costs of airfare, hotel and meals to send a live body to do the bitter job. Breaking up that way just seems to be especially cold and cowardly.

“I followed a boy,” Kendrick later explains after she resigns and interviews for a new job.

It was her response to a question about why such a young, intelligent college grad as herself would move to Omaha to take a job firing people.

The answer humanizers her in a era when thank you cards for such things as thoughtful birthday or wedding gifts have been replaced by fleeting, meaningless cell phone text messages.

Staying connected with the people who care just takes too much work.

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