Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Donora Hotel - two versions

In its heyday:

And today:

The Donora Hotel was dressed in bunting for a fireman's convention when the postcard, shown at the top, was produced. Someone in the crowd fell to the ground during the festivities, and the spot where he stood before the accident was marked with an X.
These days, the hotel that later became a community center and library stands in the heart of a downtown in decay 50 years after the steel industry collapsed in thist Pennsylvania borough.


  1. Scott, you take such beautiful photos, it's always a pleasure to see as well as read your blog!

  2. Scott, please don't tell me you also took that original Donora Hotel photo!

  3. Dear Scott Beveridge,
    I just see your photo from Donora hotel on your blog and want to tell you that not later than last sunday I saw it on a postcard of the year 1920 !! who was sent to my fathers family by the mother of the then proprietary "John H. Bernarding" and the Hotel director Ferdinand Bernarding born in 1869. Their family left Germany in 1871.
    If you are interested in, I can send you the postcard per e-mail. The hotel was very impressive at this time.
    Do you know if there are some Bernardings left in Donora or in the county who could be descendants of this specific family?
    Greetings from Germany

  4. Sure Barb. I'd love to see the image. Thanks for stopping by from Germany.
