Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dead microfilm reader stalls Donora series

For those of you who have been following the series of short stories titled "The Gamble on Donora Steel," it has come to a halt because of a technical glitch.

The primary source for researching these stories is the microfilm of old local newspapers at the Donora Public Library in southwestern Pennsylvania.

The library's only microfilm reader hasn't been working since last fall and it doesn't have the money to repair or replace the dinosaur. And the staff won't let any of its sister libraries in the Mon Valley borrow the precious microfilm.

So if you have some money to donate to the library to get that machine up and running, or know where to find one for free, I'm sure a donation would make us happy.

UPDATE: The library will be glad to accept donations, but it has finally purchased a new microfilm reader. It should be in operation by the end of November 2009.

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