Thursday, February 5, 2009

Google your way to germ-free air

365 - 196 - man flu, originally uploaded by the brownhorse.

The Web gurus at Google have launched a brilliant new service at to help warn users about locations where flu germs are multiplying.

They determine these danger zones by charting the number of times Google is used to search for such words as thermometer, congestion and muscle aches.

These folks are so good that they “outsmarted the CDC by exposing hot spots 10 days before the agency did,” Time magazine reported this winter.

It’s just one more example of how there are too many government agencies and companies in America that are run by folks who are dinosaurs in the land of technology.

If only the Google geniuses could figure out a cure for the nasty bug that has made three full circles around our newsroom at the Observer-Reporter for the past two months.

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